Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Why Seasonal Flu Can Be Life Threatening?

Flu is very common winter problem especially in the countries that have 4 seasons. While in tropical countries flu can attack almost all year. During this time people consider that flu is a mild disease until outbreak of bird flu and swine flu happen. The world is shaken by these two types of flu and even later revealed many countries spend a lot of budget for it. Now we will even more surprised if also noted that seasonal flu can be life threatening also. Actually, seasonal influenza affects between three and five million people annually, causing up to 500,000 deaths worldwide. While most people will recover in one to two weeks, others will develop life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
Moreover, the recent research which is reported on Medicalnewstoday.com shows that the flu may predispose to secondary bacterial infections, which account for a significant proportion of mortality during flu pandemics. The related report by Lee et al, "A mouse model of lethal synergism between influenza virus andHaemophilus influenzae," appears in the February 2010 issue of The American Journal of Pathology.
The most common bacterial agents found following flu pandemics have been Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Group A Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, reports of infection with antibiotic-resistant strains have been increasing in recent years.
High-risk groups for seasonal influenza include the very young and old, people with compromised immune systems, and pregnant women. However, during influenza pandemics, mortality may be significant in previously healthy young adults.
As we know that basically influenza is a viral disease which is can spread easily through the air for example when flu patients do uncover sneeze or cough. So that the wise way to prevent the disease is increasing our body immune by consume nutritional food especially fruit and vegetable contained vitamin C. But if we already got it, proper treatment is needed if the problem getting worse after few days due to secondary bacterial infection possibility.

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