Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

MMR and Autism

Many parents decide delaying MMR (Mumps, Measles, and Rubella) vaccination to their children until they can speak fluently or not give the vaccine at all. They worry that MMR can inhibit kid’s speech after Andre Wakefield, a doctor from England doing research to 12 children and stated that MMR may cause intestinal problem and autism.
Then many international researches have done during10 years later to prove the issue until the recent research found that there is no relation between autism and MMR. The study involved 96 autism diagnosed children age 2-15 by comparing each child with 2 healthy children in the same age and gender. Some of them have already get MMR vaccine and the others get measles vaccine only. The result show that children who have MMR shoot have 83% less risk for autism and 56 % for children with measles vaccine only.
Now, we can conclude that MMR vaccination is safe for our sweetheart, rather than they get the complicated problem which is caused by the diseases. We know that severe mumps can cause testis enlargement, brain inflammation, and also hearing problem in some cases, whereas measles may inflame lung and brain.
MMR vaccination started at month 9 or 15 if they have single Measles already. Then the vaccine should be repeated on age 6. So what do you wait for? Call your pediatrician, get further info, and give the vaccine before it’s too late!

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