Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

You Are The Sexiest Woman in the World

Sexy is always identified with physical appearance. Woman with short skirt, tank top and sometime with very minimum dressed or almost naked called as sexy woman. Julia Perez, Tamara Blezynski, and Sarah Azhari are the sexy icon artist in Indonesia. And in America we know Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Kate Winslet and many others. Men who are seeing those women will be happy and sometime imaging “a bad fantasy with them”. That statement is not false but not absolutely right also. How about other women who are maybe have ordinary physical performance or using ordinary dressed also? Are they not sexy? Stupid answer if you said “yes”.

Some women get stuck in their mindset about sexy. They never satisfy what the God give to them. They always try to make their self better and better and sometime doing irrational action. They make breast so big by silicon like Pamela Anderson. And some other do excessive diet until suffer “bulimia nervosa” to get slim body like a supermodel. Remember, body is not only about “body” and performance. And big mistake if show your sexy body to everyone like Maria ”Miyabi “ Ozawa, most famous porn actress from Japan.
Smartness and kindness are the important side that is not appearing. We call it inner beauty. Women who have inner beauty of course looked beautiful. They can share happiness for the people around her and give advantages for the environment. They are “sexy women”. And will be very perfect if their inner beauty is supported by physical beauty. The most important just be yourself, keeping your body healthy and smart with update information everyday and be the best whatever you profession. Make yourself being the sexiest woman in the world.

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