Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Now Men Can Do Fertility Test at Home

Many couples have been waiting to have a baby for a long time. But they feel hesitate or lazy to do fertility test in the hospital or fertility clinic. Especially men, because they are less comfortable if may be the result is not fertile. Because even though such test results are confidential, but still needs to know by the doctor. In other side, without any test a couple would never have known who is infertile or must be treated.
Now the problem can be slightly resolved after Dr John Herr from the UK and his team found a tool to measure the fertility of men at home. The shape is almost similar to pregnancy check tool. If both negative strip, the man may be was infertile. The tool works by detecting a specific molecule on the sperm, which are antigen molecules on the surface of the sperm head, called the SP-10.
The measurement of sperm quality tool which is called Fertility Sperm Check is now still going through the licensing process by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The planned price is quite affordable, which is around US $ 25, much cheaper than full sperm tests to determine male fertility. This tool was developed during a year and has high accuracy of about 96% . It was tested on 225 male participants.
Just for your information, generally normal sperm count is 20 million milliliters or more. By using a tool to measure fertility, a man can know how the average number of sperm, if the above standards, or just below it so that he can decide as soon as possible in case he requires medical treatment.

Source: detikHealth
Picture: healthsystem.virginia.edu

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