Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Sexual Health Clinic on School

Sexual information and porn now is very easy to be accessed by all ages include youth. It is caused decreasing of puberty age of both boys and girls instead this can be influenced by nutrition also. Finally that was resulted increasing number of pregnancy and abortion between schoolgirls in many countries. Government of Britain is one who really concern about this problem. They build sexual clinic at state secondary school in Liverpool and Wirall, an area with above-average rates of teenage pregnancy.
Girl start 11 years old offered pregnancy test at school. They can also get contraception, morning after pill and advice to sexually transmitted infection.
The services will be confidential means teenager’s parent maybe never be informed. Although parents encouraged visiting the clinic sometime, heir consent is not needed to permit teenager get those services. They may be never told that their daughters take pregnancy test or morning after pill at school.
Health Chief claim that the moves will help cut the number of unplanned pregnancies and abortions among teenagers, many of whom will be under 16 - the legal age of consent.
This new policy of course invites controversy and critics.
Norman Wells, director of the Family Education Trust, which researches the causes of family breakdown, said that sexual health clinic on school premises send out the message that it is normal for school children to engage in sexual activity.
Whereas, in the past, natural inhibitions combined with fear of pregnancy, legal proceedings and being found out by parents offered a powerful disincentive to under-age sex.
The sexual health clinics have been operating in 13 of Wirral's 29 secondary schools for several months, while the scheme is expected to be tested in five other comprehensives in neighbouring Liverpool later this year. The clinics also offer obesity testing and advice on alcohol, drugs and smoking.
Every policy usually has good and bad side, depend on each how to receive it. But as mother and parents, give appropriate attention to our teenagers due to these social problems is more necessary.


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