Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Extra Small Condom for Boy Age 12

Pregnancy of under age increase sharply these recent years. It shows that people now starting their ‘sex’ in very young age. This social phenomenon of course precipitates some bad effects. Many girls student have to drop out from school and they become frustrated because should have baby in very young age. In other side, high risk abortion of young girl increase. To prevent those conditions, Swiss government start to sale an extra small condom called ‘Hotshot’. It was also act after research found that not enough 12 to 14-year-old boys were having protected sex.

The condoms are likely to end up on sale in Britain, said their manufacturer Lamprecht AG.

A standard condom has a diameter of 52mm in comparison with the Hotshot’s 45mm. Both are the same length – 190mm.

According to a study of 13 to 20-year-olds, a quarter said that a standard condom was too large.

After selling the product, all age include youngster can have protected sex in the future.

But by the fact, it seems that under age sex seems start to be legal now. Hope this is not contaminated with ’business purpose’.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

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