These recent years, consumers become very alert with Chinese product after many cases happen due to unsafe cosmetic, food, and toys imported from a country where panda lives. Now, the new case heard again. In England, a woman named Patricia Booth have lost two kidneys and has to undergoing dialysis 3 times a week after consuming herbal medicine of China for 5 years for skin problems. She is now develop urinary tract cancer also. Previously he was suffering from psoriasis and none conventional medicine that can treat up so that she switched to Chinese herbal medicines. . She never expects that the effect take all her normal life. Now he had to stop working and live with the disease. Actually Patricia is not the first, few years ago another woman named Sandra Stay also experienced the same thing. His kidneys badly damaged and had to undergo regular dialysis after consuming herbal medicine in China. Now known that the herbal medicines they consume contain aristolochia. Substances that can harm the kidneys and can even lead to cancer. Aristolochia now been banned.
Chinese medicines developed from about 2000 years ago. Many problem that were known treated with them. But as other herbal medicines, Chinese herbal also poor of clinically tested. So that no proven evidence about them ans sometime they have long term bad effect. Beside aristolochia, many of Chinese herbal plants contain toxic, asbestos, heavy metals such as mercury and medicines and sometime added with powerful Western medicines. The real example is Chinese herbal Viagra which is found contain harmful ingredients. From the test it is known that the drug contains high doses of obesity and impotence drug. It may lead heart problems and hypertension.
But apparently in many countries including the UK which has seen the real victims, the government is less able to overcome it. Chinese medical practice drugstore seem growth freely despite the fact that existing regulations made to restrict it.
England is not the only one where have problems with Chinese herbal medicines.Several years ago the South Korean government to destroy 871 tons of herbal medicine imported from China because it is known contain excessive toxicity.
The facts above do not meaning that all of Chinese herbal medicine are dangerous. Many also are beneficial and safe. But it would be nice if you make sure that they are completely safe before consume it.
Prinsip Ayurveda untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Kehidupan
8 tahun yang lalu
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